AJ McLean pix
Backstreet Bliss

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AJ McLean

Nick Carter

Brian Littrell

Kevin Richardson

AJ pix

NICK pix

Brian Pix

Kevin Pix

Howie Pix

Slides Show Page

Did you know??
AJ was a puppeteer who worked behind the scenes on the Nickelodeon show Welcome Freshman.

Did you know??
AJ likes to draw cartoons.
Did you know??
AJ is very close to his mom, Denise. She traveled with him when he first joined the group, because he was under eighteen and needed a guardian.
Did you know??
AJ has a tattoo of a drama mask on his left forearm, which represents comedy and tragedy. Why? "Because I grew up doing theater, which is my first love," Aj explained on an online chat.
Did you know??
As youngest members of the group, AJ and Nick are the cutest most adorable guys on Earth.
Did you know??
AJ is getting a tattoo for every candle on the birthday cake.
Did you know??
To welcome his pet dog to the McLean family, AJ got a tattoo!
Did you know??
I love AJ very very very much.

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